Company Profile

Suzhou TSN® Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2021 in SIP Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.  Suzhou TSN® is oriented by advanced technology in Chip Research Industry and is committed to the development of Ethernet Communication Chips and Customized Data Exchange IP. The company’s vision is "design high-perform, low-latent, easy-deploy of switching chips". Suzhou TSN® is independently developing domestic TSN chips, and providing technical solutions for Industrial Automation, Smart City, Vehicle Networking, Medical Care, Financial fields. The company is promoting the innovation process of localized communication chips and technologies with our customers and partners.

  • 2021

  • 1000

    built-up area
  • 40

    Number of employees
  • 40

    Cooperative customers


Honorary Qualifications
集成电路布图专利证书 SH01318
软著:8G TSN二三层终端IP软件 V1.0
软著:超低延时可编程网络平台L1软件 [Matrix]V1.0
软著:2x10G网络接口卡IP软件 V1.0
软著:超低延时可编程网络平台L1.5软件 [MuxFilter]V1.0
软著:64G TSN交换芯片SDK软件 V1.0
软著:64G TSN二三层交换IP软件 V1.0
软著:芯片SDK接口自动化测试软件 V1.0
软著:TSN2404二三层交换IP软件 [TSN2404SW]V1.0
软著:TSN2404交换芯片SDK软件 [TSN2404SDK ]V1.0
软著:NLNIC 2X10G网卡驱动软件 [NLNIC 2X10G]V1.0
软著:超低延时可编程网络平台流监控软件 [FlowInsight]V1.0
软著:超低延时转发平台汇聚与过滤软件 V2.0
软著:超低延时转发平台物理交织软件 V2.0
软著:超低延时可编程网络平台L2.0软件 V1.0
软著:超低延时转发平台大容量物理地址交换软件 V2.0
软著:超低延时可编程网络平台二层转发软件 V1.0
8G TSN二三层终端IP软件 V1.0
64G TSN二三层交换IP软件 V1.0
超低延时可编程网络平台L1.5软件 [MuxFilter]V1.0
超低延时可编程网络平台L1软件 [Matrix]V1.0
超低延时可编程网络平台流监控软件 V1.0
商标注册证 第68028388号
高新技术企业证书 20231106
江苏省民营科技企业 202209
企业信用等级证书 20230714
软件企业 20240625
证券基金行业信息技术应用创新联盟成员单位 2023
质量管理体系认证证书 20240611
工业互联网产业联盟 20220123
Cooperation Partners